Philosophy Statement

Hutto Fire Rescue/Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 (Hutto Fire Rescue) recognizes the value of human life and dignity. Our philosophy, which embodies our organizational values and beliefs, provides a guide for members in the performance of daily activities.


The unifying goal of Hutto Fire Rescue is to help people by working together.

Helping people by:


  • Providing aid and assistance to all citizens of the Hutto community.
  • Cooperating with other agencies and organizations.
  • Providing encouragement and opportunity for personal growth and development.
Working together by:


  • Commitment, mutual support, participation, and involvement.
  • Hutto Fire Rescue and its members working together as a team within the organization.
  • Hutto Fire Rescue and its members working together with the Hutto community.

This unifying goal is founded on our VALUES and BELIEFS. The success of Hutto Fire Rescue depends on the combined efforts of its members, along with the support of other organizations and the Hutto community.


Hutto Fire Rescue is proud to operate as a SMART (simple, moral, accountable, responsive, transparent) government that accomplishes all our services by using minimal tax dollars, and is committed to provide a well trained and equipped group of firefighters to aid in the protection and well-being of the citizens of the City of Hutto and the Hutto community.


Hutto Fire Rescue will evolve and adapt to the demands of providing efficient and effective services to the best of our ability, for an ever-changing and growing community; while maintaining a healthy and professional work environment – Every Shift, Every Day.



















People are our most important asset:


  • Individual self respect must be valued and protected.
  • We must respect and support each other as individual human beings with differing values and needs.
  • We must be loyal to Hutto Fire Rescue, the City of Hutto, and the Hutto community.
  • We are responsible for the operations and success of Hutto Fire Rescue.
  • We are accountable for our individual actions and performance.
  • Individual performance and team performance must be recognized.
  • We must encourage and support others in their growth and development.
  • Each of us should strive to grow and develop to our potential.


  • Involvement, participation, and teamwork result in the best solutions, methods, and goal achievement.
  • Decision making should be shared in Hutto Fire Rescue, recognizing that not everyone will share in every decision.
  • Communication must be open throughout all levels of Hutto Fire Rescue.
  • Innovation leads to improvement and development; therefore, it is encouraged and supported.
  • All of us must work toward the improvements and betterment of Hutto Fire Rescue.
Standard of Excellence:


  • Each of us should set and pursue high performance standards and perform to the best of our abilities.
  • We, as Hutto Fire Rescue, must maintain high standards and strive to perform to the best of our abilities.
  • We must provide our services efficiently and effectively.


  • Constant change is not only inevitable, it is necessary. Productive change should be supported and directed toward achieving individual and Hutto Fire Rescue goals.
  • We, as individuals and as Hutto Fire Rescue, must have the flexibility to change in order to progress and meet future challenges.