

Often times, prevention is the key to stopping the spread of fire, decreasing the severity of an incident. Firefighters are happy to assist you with requests for in-home advice about your smoke detectors, fire alarms, or any other questions you might have.

Fire Marshal Eric Woods is responsible for all prevention efforts by Hutto Fire Rescue. Eric and Inspectors Brian Matocha and Rick Zuazua are kept very busy reviewing the plans for new construction and inspecting all the new buildings going up here in Hutto and in the unincorporated areas of Williamson County that surround the City. Also, Fire Inspector Colt Richardson is busy making sure every business receives an annual fire safety inspection. Should you have any questions about the fire code, plan reviews, or inspections please don’t hesitate to call the fire prevention section Monday through Friday during business hours at (512) 759-2616. You may also contact the inspectors directly using this form.

Inspection Application