Contracts and Procurements

Contracts and Procurements Transparency Award
Hutto Fire Rescue is Recognized for Their Commitment to Fiscal Accountability in Local Government by The Comptroller’s Transparency Stars Program.
Contracts and Procurements
Williamson County Emergency Services District #3, a State of Texas Special Purpose District, follows a decentralized business model with each division and section handling all non- construction goods and services for themselves. Construction and engineering requests are administered by the Fire Chiefs Office. It is the responsibility of Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 to conduct purchasing in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, to foster sound purchasing policies and procedures, and to stimulate competitive bidding to provide materials and services at the lowest price and highest quality possible.
Procuremt Manual/Written Purchasing Procedures
Non-construction debt goods and services (i.e., engines, ladders, staff vehicles, etc.) are purchased by using one of three cooperative purchasing programs in Texas. These local government purchasing cooperatives increase the purchasing power of government entities. Combining the purchase power of local governments provides all members the leverage to achieve better pricing on products, equipment, and services they use every day. These include:
These cooperative purchasing programs are established pursuant to the Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act [Texas Local Government Code, Title 7, Chapter 791]. The Act allows local governments and certain non-profits to contract or agree under the terms of the Act to make purchases or provide purchasing services and other administrative functions appropriately established by another government entity.
Non-construction non-debt goods and services purchases are made in accordance with the Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 purchasing policy.
Contracts and Procurement Summary
Data presented is from the audited fiscal years 2019-2023
Total Contract and Procurement Spending *
Total Dollar amount of Bids Received from Invitations to
Bid Requests
Total Dollar amount of Contracts Awarded from Invitations to
Bid Requests
Contract and Procurement Spending Per Capita **
Publicly Posted Bidding and Contracting Opportunities
Closed Bids or Awarded Contracts
* Total procurement and contracting spending do not include debt expenditures made through a cooperative purchase program (i.e., engines, ladders, staff vehicles, etc.).
** Based on a population of 56,535 as of FY23-24.
Glossary of Procurement Terms
Fiscal Year: The Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 fiscal year is from October 1st through September 30th.
Bidding: Items in the bidding process include those items advertised for formal competitive procurement by the Fire Chiefs Office on behalf of Williamson County Emergency Services District #3.
Contracting: Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 contracts begin and end on an as-needed basis. Some contracts and spending can span multiple fiscal years.
Per Capita: The per capita figures are based on FY23-24 data from the population estimate of 56,535.
Total Award: The amount of the successful bid or proposal as approved by the Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 Board of Commissioners after a formal solicitation.
Total Authorized: The amount the Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 Board of Commissioners approves to be spent on any contract regardless of method of procurement. For graphs showing authorizations versus spend, the authorized amounts include not only new bid/ proposal awards, but also contracts presented for consideration by the Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 Board of Commissioners and approved.
Vendor Registration Guide
Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 publishes bid opportunities in the Austin American-Stateman and the Williamson County Sun newspapers for construction projects. Vendors were sent bids direct for upcoming construction projects if requested.
Any vendor that is interested in doing business with Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 can send their information to Please make sure to include the name of your business, the types of products that you sell, your physical address, your email address, and your telephone number. Any additional information such as your website or pdf catalog will also be appreciated. Please DO NOT conduct cold calls for Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 business. Your contact information will be placed in the que for any upcoming purchases and/or contracts.
Awarded – Competitively Bid Contracts

Intent to Award – Bidding Opportunities
Click on the following links for open contracting and closed bidding opportunities.
GASB Statements
GASB pronouncements currently applicable to Williamson County Emergency Services District #3 contracts and procurement, or that will be applicable upon the effective date of the GASB statement are as follows:
- GASB Statement No. 87: Leases PDF
- GASB Statement No. 94: Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships and Availability Payment Arrangements PDF
Helpful Information
Williamson County Emergency Services District #3, PO Box 175, Hutto, Texas, 78634
- Phone: 512-759-2616
- Email:
Texas Local Government Code, Title 7, Chapter 791: INTERLOCAL COOPERATION CONTRACTS